Digital Marketing
Aside from product uniqueness, competing in the retail sector means that a company must offer uniqueness in both its services and marketing strategies. The SMS Broadcasting service from AIS can help businesses to send marketing messages to their customers’ mobile phones.
Retail companies with several branches in different locations can communicate with each other on the high-quality AIS network using the Corporate Internet and Dedicated Data Circuit services. These services allow business to select the speed of their internet connection depending on the time of day and the operations being carried out.
Because organizations often have employees spread out across various locations, both within their offices and off-site, AIS offers a multitude of services to suit the needs of each and every department in your organization. The Corporate Fixed Line service is just one example of a service which can significantly lower costs while at the same time increasing the efficiency in how your organization communicates.
Recognized for the international standard of its performance, the AIS Data Center can be relied on to provide access to various services on the AIS cloud platform, from the Co-Location system, to the Enterprise Cloud (IaaS) security service, and software as a service (SaaS).